Scouts and Cubs At Calder Vale
Calder Vale Scout history
The village of Calder Vale, is situated on the edge of the forest of Bowland just above Garstang and not far from Waddecar Scout Campsite, and is the furthest most point East of the Wyre District Scouts catchment area.
The Village was founded by Quakers Jonathan and Richard Jackson, and in 1835 a cotton-weaving mill — the Lappet Mill — was built, powered by the River Calder, the mill and pond still exist today.
High above the village is the church of St. John the Evangelist, consecrated on 12 August 1863, next door and built at the same is the primary school that along with the church also serves the village of Oakenclough. The School and Church can be accessed from the village by following a woodland footpath path along the river, heading upstream past a mill lodge and eventually existing at the church.
During springtime, the woodland is a carpet of bluebells and spring wildflowers.
Calder Vale Scouts were established on the 16th of January 1998 registration number 45948 and at the time of registration the group membership was two leaders, one mail and one female, and nine Cubs seven girls and two boys. Not long after a Scout troop was started so the Cubs could continue their scouting, and progress on to Scouts, there is no a Beaver colony. Thanks to a dedicated group of people the group flourished providing a much appreciated scouting presence for the young people of the village. Things continued to improve with scouts coming from Garstang and the surrounding area to swell the groups numbers, until the summer of 2011 when the group was set to close due to lack of leaders. The District Commissioner attended the last group AGM with the intention of closing the group, but thanks to the intervention of a new Scout and Cub Leader the group was saved, and things are looking good for the group. They now have a number of new helpers, and assistants, with the number of young people attending increasing each month. If you are interested in helping, or joining, follow the information on the contact page.
The Scout section at Calder Vale, meet on Tuesday Night at the Village Hall starting at 7.30 to 9.00 and along with the Cubs, this section is also open to Boys, and Girls. What do I have to do to be a Scout is one of the most frequently asked questions, well that’s easy, because at Calder Vale all you have to do is just turn up on Troop night (a Troop is the collective name for a group of Scouts) So far so good, but haw old do I have to be is the next question, the Scout age range is from 10 1/2 to 14. OK you’re in that age range, what can I expect to see, and do, on my first night is the next question.
All Scout meetings start with the breaking of the flag (no we don’t brake a flag, concrete or otherwise) What actually happens is all the Scouts gather round the Union Flag. ( some people misleadingly call it the Union Jack) The Scout Leader will normally call the Troop to stand at ‘Alert’. This means stand smartly with your feet together (what soldiers mean by Attention) then one of the Scouts will walk out, and pull the string that is attached to the flag to open it. there’s a special way of folding the flag so it will open when you do this. after the flag unfolds all the scouts salute, this is a special moment, and should be used to consider if the things you are doing in your day to day living, comply with your promise. And that’s the end of all the formalities, apart from something we do at the end of the meeting called Flag Down, which is the opposite to what we have just done, but without the salute, and this time we lower the flag instead of opening it.
Another thing that sets us apart from other youth organisations is that Scouts wear a uniform, and for some reason this seems to put some people off joining , and that’s a shame. Because normally we only wear our uniforms at the beginning and end of Troop nights, and on official occasions, which is probably less than 6% of the time spent in Scouting, the rest of the time we wear whatever we want, and that’s usually activity clothing. Because that’s what Scouts like doing best, being active, whether its inside or out, doing all sorts of things from camping, to abseiling, or perhaps Backwoods cooking to Canoeing – whatever, if wearing a uniform puts you off, then perhaps doing these things is a bit too much for you, If not, then the biggest adventure of your life could be just round the corner.
Calder Vale Cubs meet at the village hall on a Tuesday night at 6.00pm and close at 7.30pm, and take both Boys and Girls starting at the age of 8 up to 10.
Cubs do loads of fun things, like learning how to cook over a fire, or how to keep themselves fit and healthy. sometimes Cubs go camping, and sleep in tents and do all sorts of outdoor activities and games. Or sometimes they may have a sleep over or go on day trips and things. You also get the opportunity to try lots of new things like swimming, exploring, music, computing, sports, and hobbies. If you are good at them you can get Activity badges to put on your uniform, so everyone knows what you are good at. Yes you will get a uniform, the cubs have a green sweatshirt, navy activity trousers, and a group scarf the same as the Beavers and Scouts.
We have a Promise.
I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to help other people and keep the cub Scout Law. This can be adapted for your particular Faith or Religion
The Cub Scout Law is: Cubs always do their best. Think of others before themselves and do a good turn every day.